12:14 AM |
Author: History of Java
Prince Nuku-known persistent violence against the East India Company who wanted control of the spices in the Moluccas. He is the son of Sultan Jamaludin from Tidore.
Since the Portuguese defeat against the Netherlands in order to maintain storage of spices in the Moluccas, the Dutch began to strengthen its position by forming joint venture in the East India trade, or VOC (1602). When the East India Company to expand its trading business to the north Moluccas, there was a dispute with the Sultan Tidore, because the business is harmful VOC Sultan rights as local authorities. VOC want to master a single trade or a monopoly. People are required to comply with the provisions of the very adverse party of the people, while the price was determined by the VOC. The will is imposed arbitrarily made the Sultan Jamaludin angry. Sultan Jamaludin was arrested and taken to Jakarta and then exiled to Sri Lanka.
In place of Sultan Jamaludin, VOC lifted liked people who want to be a stooge of the Son of Nature VOC. Genesis the program an arbitrary act, because the right to change the Prince Nuku. People do not want to admit natural position as the Sultan's son-made VOC's.
So when the son was crowned as the Sultan Alam Tidore by the VOC, Prince Nuku take up arms against the VOC. Action Prince Nuku obtain full support from the people.
At the time England came to Tidore to find spices, this opportunity is used by Prince Nuku pitting way between the British and the VOC. Finally, the VOC can be expelled from the UK with the help of Tidore. However, England did not obtain any rights in Tidore, because the program Smart Prince knows what the real intention by the British.
Son of Nature Resistance while it still goes on. In 1780 the army surrounded the residence of Natural Son of Prince Nuku. But these efforts failed Son Nature. Prince Nuku can escape and for a while up the strength in West Irian.
In the year 1797 with the help of his brother by the name of Zainal Abidin can regain Tidore Prince Nuku thus be able to successfully continue the throne as Sultan Tidore. Under the rule of Prince Nuku, Tidore growing.
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